Daisy Prayer - Interactive Prayer for Creation

Here's a simple interactive prayer for creation focusing on one of the most common wild flowers. Ideal to share with all ages in your outdoor setting or churchyard, the Daisy Prayer allows both children & adults time to pause, ponder & pray as they explore different elements of the flower. 

🖐 Head outdoors & find a daisy in your green space. If possible leave it in the ground & let the petals rest gently on your fingers. 

🙏 Creator God, as we look at each of the petals on this tiny flower, may we remember the many people we share this planet with. May we never forget we are all connected.

As we look at all the tiny flowers that make up the one yellow centre, we thank you for everything that makes up our amazing planet, from animals to plants, oceans to mountains, ice caps to deserts & so much more.

As we hold the single green stem of the daisy, we pledge to care for your creation. May we remain rooted in your love, growing deeper in compassion for the earth. Amen

Looking for more nature-themed prayer activities? Take a look at these:

🌱10 Interactive Nature Prayers Activities for all ages

🌱Heart-shaped prayer frame - giving thanks for creation

🌱Sycamore Seed Dragonflies

🌱Giant heart Prayer Station