Weave a Fish - Praying for our Ocean

Looking for a creative way that all ages can engage with to pray for our ocean? Using recycled items, this Fish Weaving Prayer Activity encourages us to pause & reflect on our everyday choices & the impact they have upon God's creation.

When you think of a beach what comes to your mind? Maybe a sandy beach scattered with seashells, clear blue sea, or perhaps a pebbled beach with a few rock pools to explore. Sadly our beautiful beaches now have an added extra. Litter can be found along every shoreline around the world, & worryingly most of it is plastic. The biggest problem with plastic is that it doesn't disappear, it floats through the ocean harming marine life, & eventually breaks down into tiny microplastics that are then eaten by sealife.

This creative Prayer Activity encourages us to thank God for his creation, consider the choices we make, & how we can care for the ocean now & in the future. 

Setting up

You'll need (clean) plastic items from your recycling bin, or a selection of plastic bags.
A long length of string
A thin pliable tree branch such as willow, or alternatively our free printable Fish template which you can download here.

Prayer Activity
Start by cutting the plastic into narrow strips. 

💡 As you cut the plastic strips, think about the items that you buy which are made from plastic e.g. drinks bottles, bathroom products, washing detergents etc. Think about the food that is wrapped in plastic, served on polystyrene dishes, or sealed with plastic food ties or labels.

Take your stick & carefully bend it over to form a fish shape like the one below. We secured ours with string, but younger children may find it easier to use a pipe cleaner. If you're unable to get hold of pliable sticks, use our free printable fish frame.

To complete the weaving frame, take the string & tie one end to the frame. Then wind the string around the frame to make a crisscross pattern. (We round it twice around the frame each time so it was really secure.) When you've finished, tie the string to the frame as before.
💡 While you're making your fish (or cutting out the printable) think about a beach that you've visited recently or one you've explored on holiday. Imagine the smell of the sea, the sound of the lapping waves, & the feel of the water tickling your toes.

Start adding the different plastic strips to your fish by carefully weaving them through your frame. Continue weaving the strips until your fish is filled with plastic.

💡 As you weave the plastic think about the amazing variety of marine life that inhabits the ocean; from whales, seahorses, dolphins, sharks, jellyfish, turtles, seals, walruses, crabs, starfish, lobsters, to many varieties of fish, & more! Which creature is your favourite? 

When you've finished weaving your fish, hold it in your hand.

Did you know, scientists have predicted that in 30 years our ocean will contain 30 million tonnes of plastic.

Say together

🐟 Creator God, thank you for the ocean & all the amazing creatures that call it home.
😪 We are sorry that humans have not cared for it & have taken it for granted.
🖐 Help us remember that the daily choices we make have an impact on our planet. 
🌊 We pray that world leaders will make the right decisions, & that one day our oceans will be plastic-free again.
🙏 Amen

💡 Why not hang up your fish in your kitchen to remind you of God's creation & the impact we each have upon it.