Snowdrop Suncatchers for Candlemas - made from recycled materials

Make your own Snowdrop Suncatcher to celebrate Candlemas this February. Made from recycled materials, they're super simple to create, & look stunning when sunlit on a window. Whether you design your own snowdrop pattern or use the FREE printable template featured in this post, these suncatchers are a beautiful way to shine a little hope.

Did you know Snowdrops are also known as Candlemas Bells? Candlemas (the Church Festival celebrating the presentation of Jesus in the temple) is celebrated 40 days after Christmas, & often the first wildflowers to appear at this time are snowdrops. Often found in churchyards, these little flowers were traditionally used to decorate churches for the festival. Now of course as wildflowers they are left to grow in their natural habitat.

These delicate white bell-shaped flowers also symbolise hope. Not only are they an indication that Spring is on its way, they also remind us of faithful Simeon & Anna, who waited in hope for years, praying that one day they would see the promised Messiah. When Mary & Joseph brought their baby to the temple 40 days after He was born, Simeon recognised that Jesus was the one he had been waiting for, the Light of the World. When Anna saw the baby, she too saw the hope Jesus would bring. Read more about the presentation of Jesus in the temple in Luke 2:22-38.

These Snowdrop Suncatcher remind us of the hope & light Jesus brings to the world.

To make a Snowdrop Suncatcher you'll need:
Recycled lids from food containers (Pringle lids are ideal)
Sharpies or colourful marker pens
Bradawl/ballpoint pen
Embroidery thread or cotton
Printed images of snowdrops - optional

:: Take a plastic lid & use the marker pens to draw your Snowdrop design. If using the template, simply place your lid over the top of the image & trace the design onto the plastic. If children or adults wish to create their own designs, have some images of snowdrops available to use as a reference. 

Top Tip: after drawing the outline of your snowdrop design, tun the lid over & colour in the other side. That way the black outline won't blur into your colours.

:: Add a hole to the top of the lid using the bradawl or ballpoint pen & thread a length of cotton through. 

:: Hang or tape the suncatcher to a window & watch the sunlight illuminate your Candlemas Bells. 

What's great about these suncatchers is that they can share their message of hope with others too. Just as Anna shared the good news of what she had witnessed in the temple, these suncatchers will share a little joy & hope with those passing by your window.

Happy Candlemas.