Sparkly Shooting Stars

This week we're sharing five of our favourite frugal Christmas decorations that kids can easily make at home. These decorations are fun & inexpensive to make, & all you'll need are some recycled materials, or a few items from around your home

Today's frugal Christmas decs are Sparkly Shooting Stars, made from pasta & pipe cleaners!

Here's how we created our sparkly pasta shapesTo make them all you need is a bag of economy pasta, food colouring & glitter glue.

Yesterday Minnie was playing with our sparkly pasta & a selection of pipe cleaners when she came up with the idea of creating shooting stars! 

She joined two pipe cleaners together (to create one very long pipe cleaner) & started threading on the pasta. She'd been exploring patterns, & was carefully selecting the colours before adding them.

To create a star shape we worked out that we had to thread on ten pasta shapes, & then twist the ends of the pipe cleaners securely together, leaving one long section that we could turn into a hanging loop later.

To create the star Minnie started to bend the pipe cleaner into shape, & then asked me to help her create the star. After we made one together, Minnie went on to create several more. 

She added tails to some of the stars so they really looked like shooting stars! Because these shapes are so sturdy they're great for little ones to hang on the Christmas tree independently.

The sparkly pasta worked so well for this activity, & as the light hits the stars they really do shine.

Minnie chose to make stars, but of course children could create all sorts of wonderful shapes & patterns, & explore colour, maths, design, & fine motor skills at the same time!

Don't forget to pop back tomorrow for our second frugal festive decoration.