Are you a fan of The Gruffalo story? Ever fancied making scrambled snake or owl ice cream? Then these crafts are for you! Here are 3 simple activities great for exploring the creative concoctions featured in the book.
For starters here's our Scrambled Snake, simple to make & fun to serve up on a plate.
We used scraps of wool, thin scraps of material, PVA (gloopy) glue, a paper cup, paper plate & teaspoon. First we decorated the paper plate, then set about creating our snake recipe.
Minnie chose the materials she needed for her scrambled snake & added it to a paper cup along with some PVA glue (which we pretended was sauce).
Using the spoon she mixed the ingredients together until all the snake (wool) was covered in the sauce (glue).
Then it was time to serve our tasty dish. Voila! Scrambled Snake on a plate!
(Once the glue is dry it will hold the wool on the plate)
Next up, here's our version of Roasted Fox! Another slightly messy activity, using recycled brown & orange paper, a cupcake case, & glitter glue.
To make the portions of roasted fox we scrunched up small sections of the paper & added to the cupcake case.
Then we brushed over our seasoned fox glaze (glitter glue) using an old pastry brush (& our hands) & our Roasted Fox was ready to serve.
Finally we made our Owl Ice Cream, with a hint of "twit" & a dash of "twoo"!
We used a batch of homemade play dough which we placed in an old ice cream tub. For the owl eyes we used a pair of buttons, & added an orange bead for his beak, along with a couple of feathers for his wings.
Using an ice cream scoop Minnie created a round 'owl' shape in a paper bowl, before adding the features.
One bowl of Owl Ice Cream ready to enjoy! Yum!
The neat thing about these 3 dishes is that they can be kept for as long as you like. The roasted fox & scrambled snake can be played with/displayed once the glue is dry, & (if left) the play dough owl will eventually dry out too. Of course you might want to play with the play dough owl before it dries, so it'll just need to be kept in an airtight container.
These dishes would be great for exploring the Gruffalo story, encouraging literacy & recall skills, & make simple prompts for retelling key parts of the story.
They could also encourage creative & imaginative thinking, what might these dishes taste like, or even smell like? Who else do you think would eat these dishes... a monster, or a giant perhaps?
How about creating a Gruffalo kitchen with a few pots & pans along with these ingredients, ready to explore & create with. Make sure you keep an eye out though, just in case the Gruffalo pops by for his tea! ;-)
If you like this you might also like our Gruffalo Cupcakes & Gruffalo Play Trail. And if you're looking for a great Christmas gift, how about a copy of this book :-)