Cute Spider Cupcake Recipe

I had to share these Incy Wincy Spider treats with you. Minnie (3yrs) is happier with 'silly' rather than 'scary' spiders at the moment, so I tried to make these arachnids look as friendly as possible!

To make our spider cupcakes we used:

8oz soft butter (dairy free spread)
8oz self-raising flour
4 eggs
8oz caster Sugar

For the Frosting & Topping:
7oz icing sugar
1oz cocoa powder
5oz unsalted soft butter / dairy free spread
1 tbsp of milk 
Chocolate sprinkles (vermicelli)
Orange buttons or Smarties
Tube of black writing icing 
One bag of Jelly Snakes 


Mix the flour, spread, eggs & sugar together in a large mixing bowl. Spoon the mixture into cupcake cases, & bake in oven (180c) for 15-20mis until golden. Leave to cool on a wire rack.

While the cupcakes are cooling you can start to make the frosting.

Beat the butter until soft, then add the icing sugar, cocoa powder, milk, & mix until smooth. (If the mixture is too thick just add a teaspoon or two of milk.) Spread the frosting over each cupcake & add the orange buttons for eyes. 

To create the legs, cut eight jelly snakes in half & added four (halves) to each side of the cupcake. 

To complete your friendly furry spiders, sprinkle the chocolate vermicelli over the cupcakes, then finish off the centre of each of the eyes with the black icing.

These treats have proved very popular with children of all ages, & are great to make & share with friends.

Just keep an eye on them though to make sure they don't escape... those legs move fast!